Each contestant has 12 pieces on the board at the start of the game. The actual playing is always done on the dark squares. The game is played diagonally using the dark squares. Get rid of the opponents pieces, or until he is unable to make any moves.
Each player places his or her pieces in the first three rows of the dark squares closest to him or her. There should be four checkers in each of these three rows. The “King Row” is the row nearest to each player. The player with the darker pieces is the first to move. At the start of the game, pieces can only travel one diagonal space ahead (towards their opponents’ pieces). The pieces must stay on the black squares at all times. To capture an opponent’s pieces, a piece may hop ahead over them in several locations on the board. Keep in mind that in order to capture your opponent’s piece, the space on the other side must be unoccupied. During a non-capturing move, king pieces can only move one space at a time.