Stressed lady

10 Causes of Stress – Red Flag Ahead!

Nowadays, stressful situations are on our side. It is not an overstatement to say that stress goes hand-in-hand with most people. Stress is a physiological mechanism of adaptation to new situations, whether positive or negative. It is part of the reactions of the human body. Nevertheless, stress is a problem when it too becomes frequent, when it ceases to be a normal body reaction it becomes a disease.


Have you been facing some of these?

  1. Exams period
  2. problems at school or work
  3. sexual, physical or emotional abuse
  4. relationships issues with family, friends or partner
  5. new responsibilities
  6. moving to a new place
  7. a traumatic event – such as the death of a loved one
  8. new or chronic illness or disability
  9. peer pressure, being bullied
  10. unrealistic expectations placed on you by yourself, friend, family or culture.


What WHO  says?

The Mental Health Foundation’s 2018 study in UK shows that 74% of people have felt so stressed that they can not manage the situation. The same research has founded an important data: 49% of 18-24 year olds who have experienced stress, faced this feeling comparing themselves to others.


What psychologists says?

Psychologist Thomaz Lopes explains that stress triggers three different types of reactions: fight; flight and freeze. The normal process in stress episodes is to have any of these reactions and, after what has triggered the reaction, the person goes back to normal. Otherwise, it is time to seek help.


6 Ways that stress can impact on you

  1. Emotionally Overwhelmed
  2. Difficulty Concentration
  3. Headaches
  4. Dizziness
  5. Insomnia
  6. Tiredness


(Source:, WHO and psychologist Thomaz Lopes)

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